digital video
"One of the UK's leading companies in feminine hygiene products, Libresse is committed to helping women be themselves with products designed to give you the confidence you need to go beyond your limits."
In the video contest below, Libresse featured women’s #UniquelyMade side.
What we are asked to do:
Pre-Production: Location scouting giving prominence to the urban surroundings.
Production: Shoulder camera shooting following influencer Lois. Recording and sound engineering. An announcer for questions submitted to the influencer as well as a makeup artist.
Post Production: Sound Editing & Mastering, Motion Graphics & Coloring.
“Design adds value faster than it adds costs.” ― Joel Spolsky
“Before you say 'CUT', wait five more seconds.” ― Win Wenders
“An ad is finished only when you no longer can find a single element to remove.” ― Robert Fleege